

Criminal Record Check

fingerprint Fingerprinting Technology

Every individual has a unique and exclusive set of fingerprints. The fingerprinting technology enables the identification of an individual. True identification gives a separate identity to every individual and does not cause any confusion. Also, it helps determine whether an individual possesses any criminal records in the past. 

mark Live Scan Devices

Livescan is an electronic means to scan and capture your fingerprints in a digital format. The procedure is just like you are photocopying your hand. After you scan your fingerprints, an image is produced, which is fed into the computer. The computer evaluates the intricate pattern and matches it with software, which converts the pattern into a unique code. 

Why do you need fingerprinting services

Digital Fingerprinting is essential for the following reasons

    For the federal and government employees
    Immigrating to Canada or other countries
    Police Clearance Certificate
    Applying for Canadian Citizenship
    Name Change Applications
    Record Suspension
    Permanent Residence
    For Civil purposes
    For noncriminal purposes
    US Citizenship/Immigration/Visa (Privacy Act Request)

There are several reasons apart from the stated above for which you need fingerprinting services which include:

    There are not enough documents that can clarify your true identity.
    Proof of the record checks because of the previous criminal activity.
    Basic information such as name and birth date matches with the records of a criminal; in such cases, fingerprinting services are required to prove your identity.

Additional requirement

You may be requested to submit fingerprints as an additional requirement for several reasons including the following:

    Enough acceptable documents to prove your identity has not been provided.
    The requisition for a record check resulting from the previous criminal activity.
    Your basic information, such as name and birth date, matches someone in the criminal list and fingerprints are required to determine your identity.

Ink and Roll Fingerprint for International Criminal Record check.

Due to the Covid-19, ink an roll fingerprinting services are not available. Ink and roll fingerprint is a substitute of above mentioned digital check where data exchange or information exchange between two countries is not possible due to technology difference, and for those individuals whose fingerprints are of too poor quality for electronic submission. Example Canadian resident needs a background check from countries outside Canada, they can send Ink and Roll fingerprint Form to the designated country to obtain the criminal record check.


What is needed when having your fingerprints taken?


    Follow all the instructions given to you for performing a background check.
    There shall be two government documents, one of which is a photo ID. The work could also be carried with other documents of identification such as driver's license, birth certificate, passport, permanent resident card, immigration document, government employee id, health care card, federal government employee id, nexus card, certificate of Indian status, Canadian Citizenship card or certificate.
    You will be asked to review information on your application form prior to submitting it to the RCMP's Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS).


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We are conveniently located in West Edmonton Mall (Next to the T&T market).


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